Friday, August 31, 2012

Artist of the Week: Hoodie Allen

That is Hoodie Allen. He's a rapper.

No, I'm not joking. He really is a rapper. I mean, he looks like one, right? But I bet you didn't think that I was into that kind of stuff, now did you?

Yes, it's true. He is the artist of the week. Why? Let me explain.

You see, British Youtubers were using some of his songs as background music in their videos. Some of them were also tweeting about him so I decided to listen to his songs. Upon hearing a few them, I instantly recognized which videos they came from and I realized that DAMN, I LIKE THESE SONGS. Now don't go thinking that I like his songs just because a bunch of Youtubers that I like like him, too. Because I can honestly say that I like some of his songs.

It's a bit strange for a girl like me to like hip hop/rap but it's kind of not-strange at the same time. I like to dance. Hip hop. So it totally makes sense that I like his songs because I get to dance to them (and they're pretty catchy, too!).

I may sound pretty awkward when I rap but hey! At least I tried (L O L).

So there you have it. It kind of depends if you like this kind of music or not but what's to lose, right? Go on and listen to No Interruption and You Are Not a Robot (just my suggestions, go listen to his other songs if you feel like they'll sound better or something)! Have fun!

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