Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Youtube Time!: BriBryOnTour

So that is BertieBertG in BriBryOnTour's new video, Everything.

ISN'T IT AMAZING? I mean, just listen to it. It's so...pretty and wonderful. It's absolutely perfect. (And then there's Bertie and the pretty drawing but that's another thing.)

So BriBryOnTour or just BriBry is a musical/music-type Youtuber but he does vlogs as well, I believe. He's Irish and he's cool. He also sings well (obviously).

I have just fallen in love with most of his songs - because I'm not done watching all of his music videos - and I hope you guys like him, too. And I think he'd very much appreciate it if you guys subscribed to his channel and followed him on Twitter.

Go and enjoy his lovely music like I did!

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