Today, Nylon tweeted "This is @thewhitepepper. We plan on wearing it all summer long." and Hayley Williams (singer of Paramore, if you didn't know) tweeted them back saying how she loved all their - The White Pepper's - stuff. As a fan of Paramore and a fan of Hayley's style, I decided to check them out. And guess who is now a mega-fan of The White Pepper? YOU. I'm kidding. It's me.
As you all know now, I'm a huge fan of sweaters even if my country is the opposite of "sweater weather"-land. Aside from having sweaters, The White Pepper also has a bunch of not-so-cooky-but-still-kind-of-quirky accessories (bags, glasses) and garments (AND SHOES). ALSO! They tweeted me back saying they ship internationally. How kind of them.
Some of my favourite pieces!
And to think that's not all of it! They also have a few clothes for men.
(Pictures are all from the website. I don't own anything.)
(I've been looking at the website for hours and I've already picked out my favorite model: the girl with the short, platinum blonde hair. She looks really cool.)
When I have the money, I am definitely going to buy something from this place because I just love the style. As I've said before, I'm not a very outgoing person, fashion-wise but I am a very big fan of fashion.
Check out their website (link is in the 2nd paragraph) and be mesmerized by the quirkiness of it all!
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